In addition to the beautiful collections of fabrics that we make, we are also developing wooden blinds and roller blinds. We carefully choose which materials, types of wood and systems we want to offer you. Bmblinds is the umbrella brand for all these hard window decorations.
Wooden blinds
Nowadays, wooden blinds are indispensable in the range of window decoration. The wood brings instant warmth and creates cosiness. This trendy window decoration immediately transforms your interior into a trendy home. Wood is not only attractive, but also has an insulating property.
The wooden blinds consist of two collections. An affordable basic collection and a slightly more exclusive premium collection. Quality is guaranteed with both, but the finishing options and wood types differ slightly.
Roller blinds
You also have roller blinds, ideal sun protection for a sleek interior. Roller blinds can be fully personalized to your wishes and needs. Blackout or (semi-) transparent fabrics, much or little privacy and light, you name it.